How to prepare troubleshooting and scripting interview

Communication and Collaboration

  • Think out loud
  • It’s key to how we approach developing and building our products
  • We don’t just want to see the final solution we want to undestand how you arrive at it
  • Teams have a mission to work together to solve big but often ambiguous problems, not just write code
  • How you plan to solve the problem
  • Be sure to ask questions
  • And remember: we are not looking for one specific answer. Some of the problems will be delibrerately open-ended.
  • Real engineering problems require you to dig deeper


  • Knowing how to troubleshooting a given scenario using a series of logical steps is key to addressing the needs of users while waiting our brand
  • Troubleshooting a problem:
    1. Examine:
      1. You should examine and understand the problem statement before jumping into how to troubleshooting it
      2. Verify, reproduce and scope issues
      3. Ask carify questions, think out loud and step us through the process from beginning
      4. Use the whiteboard or a pad of paper to gather your thoughts
    2. Diagnose:
      1. Hypothesize cases
      2. Test
      3. Iterate
    3. Test or treat


  • Focus on problem solving
  • Idimoatic code that’s both maintainase and readable
  • Is the code easy to undestand?
  • Can you test the code?
  • Can the code handle erros?

Best practices

We want to undestand how you think, so it’s important to explain your thought process during the interview
We’re not only evaluating your technical ability but also how you sovle problems. May questions will be deliberately open-ended to give us an idea of how you solve the technical problems. We encorage you to ask for clarification.
And We all know that our first solution may not be the best one. So, once you’ve come up with an answer to a question, think about ways to improve upon it and left your interviewer know what yor’re thinking.
Practice on paper or a whiteboard.