Golang Cheatsheet

Basic types



int  int8  int16  int32  int64
uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr

byte // alias for uint8

rune // alias for int32
    // represents a Unicode code point

float32 float64

complex64 complex128


The int, uint, and uintptr types are usually 32 bits wide on 32-bit systems and 64 bits wide on 64-bit systems. When you need an integer value you should use int unless you have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type.

package main

import (

var (
	ToBe   bool       = false
	MaxInt uint64     = 1<<64 - 1
	z      complex128 = cmplx.Sqrt(-5 + 12i)

func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Type: %T Value: %v\n", ToBe, ToBe)
	fmt.Printf("Type: %T Value: %v\n", MaxInt, MaxInt)
	fmt.Printf("Type: %T Value: %v\n", z, z)